Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ontario Tax Grab

The largest single tax grab in the history of Ontario

Harmonization of the GST and PST will be called the “HST”. It is due to be implemented in July 2010 at a combined rate of 13% TAX on literally everything that you purchase or service that you use, including hydro, heating, automobile gasoline, mutual funds, insurance ( with a few minor exceptions). You don't need a list of what will be taxed. All you have to do is see the very short list (on a very small piece of paper) of the items that are exempt.
In general, all goods and services currently subject to 5% GST, but not PST, will be hamonized (the PST will now apply) for a combined rate of 13%.

The Ontario Tax Reporter
Municipalities Out of Control
By Bill O’Malley
April 6, 2009

This will be the largest tax grab in Ontario by the liar’s Liar, Premier Dalton McGuinty, in the history of the province. In the first full year of operation (2011-12), the Liberal Ontario Government will reap $5.3 BILLION more in sales tax than it would have otherwise with the current PST. Every single Ontario resident will pay dearly.

You have to know that this new tax will be added to everything you buy or sell and there are only a few exemptions for baby things and women’s hygiene products. McGuinty wants his share of 13% on everything that you never dreamed would be taxed.

Harmonization is a good thing, but Ontario would have to reduce the combined tax from the proposed 13% to 11%. This would comprise 5% Federal and 6 % Provincial. At this rate, the beneficial effects of the HST would help business and Ontario families.
Every other Province entering into the harmonization of the GST and PST lowered the rate of its PST to take into consideration the extention of the HST to most goods and services. McGuinty and the Ontario Liberals will be the only province not to reduce the PST rate. This is one more severe step to the disintegration of the middle class and the downloading of more hardship on the poor of the Province.

The HST as proposed by the Ontario Liberals for a family of two adults in their own home will see tax expense increase by between $166.00 and $200.00 monthly, depending on individual circumstances. That’s $2,000.00 to $2,400.00 per year with nothing to show for it.

What will happen to people on fixed incomes and pensioners? It is a real shame.

In addition to the Socialist Liberal Republic of Ontario taking all this extra money out of your pocket, just wait until January 2010 when new Hydro rates go into effect on the so-called “meter system”. If you don’t change your style of living, your monthly hydro rates will nearly double. Then add the 13% HST on top of your bill.

Now don’t forget the “McGuinty Health tax grab” back in 2004 when he said no more taxes under his administration and actually signed an agreement to this effect. He was sued for going back on his word, but a Liberal provincial judge said that it was OK for politicians to LIE during elections. Have you noticed any improvement in the health system since the health tax was instituted? I know that you haven’t!

The health tax started at $2 BILLION in annual revenue for the LIAR’S GOVERNMENT and in 2009-10, the annual revenue from this source has increased to $2.9 BILLION.

On top of all of this, the printed media is being silent. The media has an obligation to inform its readers of important changes in government policy, but in this case they are closing their eyes. The media is being irresponsible and I would suggest that you withdraw your support for any media that does not provide detailed information to all Ontario residents by the end of April 2009. This subject is that important. Don’t buy their newspaper.

What should you do? This should be the start of a tax revolt.

Seek more information on both the HST and Hydro plans.

Complain to your local media if an analysis is not published soon.

Write or email your local Ontario political representative, the Ontario treasurer and the Premier of Ontario.

Send me your comments. wmomalley@gmail.com

Pass this on to anyone that you know that wants more information on the tax grab. My detailed information will be published on my blog site in the coming weeks in a format that can be easily understood by all.
In the meantime, the McGuinty Government is counting on the APATHY of Ontario residents
and I think that this time he struck out. To you the average Ontario resident, if you have never complained before, please do so now and show McGuinty that his low opinion of Ontario residents is very wrong. You deserve to be heard.
The following is a "link" to a central HST petition site and I encourage you to present your thoughs on the site and also contact your MPP.
(Under "Government and Politics" on ipetition site)

Have a nice day,

Bill O’Malley