The highest paid municipal
employee in Ontario in 2011 was the manager of the City of Ottawa,
Kent Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick
pulled in $385,785 not including benefits. Benefits could be as high
as 20 percent of salary.
second highest municipal salary in Ontario was received by
Joseph Pennachetti,
Toronto City Manager at $330,386. Toronto has approximately 3 times
the population of Ottawa.
can this be? Hoe can the Ottawa City Manager have a Higher salary than the city manager of Toronto?
In salary comparison, the average
INDIVIDUAL industrial
wage in Canada was $45,488 according to the Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives.
Now, how did we ever get to this point? The difference in income between an individual and a family is so blatantly unfair. And there is more.
The City of Ottawa in my opinion has had major project failures and/or just terrible management of contracts and an inexcusable lack of respect for the property tax payer yet employee costs, including that of the City Manager, are going through the roof.
Too many employees, lack of productivity, departments that should never even exist, future pension bankrutcy, a rapid increase in borrowing: all of this while the mayor and councillors sit around and watch it happen.
Bill O'Malley
Salary disclosure for
2012 will not be available until the Spring of 2013.