Monday, August 9, 2010

City Hall Budget Numbers Do Not Balance

I voiced my concern in January and April 2010 that the 2010 Ottawa Budget numbers for salaries, wages and benefits did not balance with the relative numbers in the 2008 audited financial statements.

This revelation raised much concern at City Hall. After denials and insults from the City, Staff finally explained that the 2010 salaries, wages and benefits budget did not include employee expense associated with the Rate Supported water and sewer operations, our local boards and agencies, such as Ottawa Community Housing Corporation, and adjustments for post retirement and post employment expenses.

This is all well and good, but the annual city budget must include “all” consolidated revenue and expenses. Otherwise, what is the use of having a partial budget?

I told you so.

My prediction was that the 2009 audited financial statements would reflect employee expense  at $1.3 Billion Dollars or so. Well, the recently released 2009 audited financial statements reflect this expense at $1,258,000,000. So my projection was off slightly, but certainly not off the point that the 2010 Budget and 2009 audited financial statements for employee expense did not add up.

In the adopted 2010 Ottawa Budget, the “Actual” figure for 2009 employee expense, including overtime, was $1,185,650,000. The audited 2009 audited financial statements reflect $1,258,000,000 in employee expense.

Now, that really makes my point!

There is a difference of $72 Million dollars between the 2009 budget figure and the 2009 audited financial statements, and Ottawa residents want the difference identified.

Ottawa Council must present an annual budget that includes all operations of the City and operations owned by the city, including all boards. This is a democracy for heavens sake and it is an absolute insult that this critical information must be dragged out of Council.

Or, were Council Members aware of this?

Bill O’Malley