Ottawa Municipal Election 2010
There are 23 wards and a mayor to be elected in 2010.
Any serious candidate (only one for each ward) willing to join a slate of candidates to take back “City Hall” for the benefit of the Taxpayer, will be provided with detailed financial information as follows:
A Complete and detailed breakdown of the approved “Budgets” of the departmental figures for the period 2001 to 2010
A Complete and detailed spread sheet of the Audited Financial Statements from 2001 to 2008
A Complete and detailed breakdown of all of the pertinent departmental financial information as provided for in the Financial Information Report for the period 2001 to 2008.
Reports on specific departments that are underperforming
Reports on the Employee Expense which has devoured 81% of every $1 of property tax increase since 2001 and Every Other Source of Total Revenue, including Government Grants.
Council has very little control over Senior Management at the present moment. You will be provided with the information in the Act that will allow you to direct and control City Management without interferance from other levels of government.
You will receive a copy of the Municipal Act and we will review the detail in a classroom atmosphere.
I will also offer several other “classes” for new candidates to bring them up to date on the operation of Council, the Duties and Responsibilities and the inner workings of City Hall. This is crucial in order that you can take your seat at Council, be effective and rule the City for the Taxpayer.
All of this is My Contribution if you are willing to democratically enhance the operations of the City.
This offer will be open to Candidates that declare their intentions before December 31, 2009.
Bill O’Malley
Contact me at