You heard it here first
Your first Notice of
We Canadians are living in a new
political reality that I describe as a “Dictamocracy.”
There is too much power in the hands of
the elected politicians and in turn, this power is relinquished by the many elected and is sucked up to the few elected executives.
There is too much power in the
“back-room” of political parties. These guys and gals were not
elected to do diddly-squat. McGuinty and his back-room boys and girls should be in jail
There is too much power in the hands of
the corrupt Canadian media.
You, as an eligible voter in Municipal,
Provincial/Territories and Federal Governments, have given your power
to the above. You are the immediate problem.
And that is why we now have a
I want you to think about it for a few
weeks and then I will come back with a full descriptive and
registered definition (Wikipedia) for all of you and the media to
tear apart.
Bill O'Malley